I don't think that I would have made a very good pioneer. The other morning we woke up to a rather chilly 60 degrees in our home and knew that something was wrong. So naturally we did all of the things that people who know nothing about a furnace do. First, we went and flicked the switch on and off on the side of the furnace, and then when that didn't work we called someone.
I've got a good friend named Steve who is much more handy than I when it comes to fixing things, and he was able to instruct me over the phone how to check certain elements of the furnace. I was able to complete a test and diagnose that we were having trouble with our lighter/igniter. (is igniter even a word?) This was great education, but our house was still cold, and I was not in a position to know where our igniter was located, or how to replace it. Again Steve came to the rescue. He just happened to have a gentleman in his neighborhood who repaired all the furnace units at the State Penitentiary. I gave him a call.
He came right over and had our igniting part replaced in less than 15 minutes. The house quickly warmed and the crisis was averted. How nice it is to live in a time where furnaces keep our homes nice and warm. It is also nice to have friends who are willing to help when we clearly don't have any idea what we are doing.