
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

05 November 2009

Do you remember your first Bike?

While driving in the car this week, Cassidy asked for help learning to ride her bike "on two wheels." (This means no training wheels). This led to a discussion Alisa and I had about when we first learned to ride a bike. I grew up on a steep incline street. Our driveway was steep and there really wasn't much place to "practice" riding a bike. As such, I didn't get my first bike until I was nearly 8. I remember my older brother had a black mountain bike, and one day I asked if I could ride it. I never had a bike with training wheels, or had someone stand behind me and stabilize the bike, I just jumped on and off I went-that was it. Granted I was nearly 8 years old at the time, but I still felt very accomplished. After I mastered the whole bike riding thing I went to my parents and asked for a bike. My parents delivered by purchasing from a neighbor an old, yellow, banana seat bicycle. The picture above is not my bike, but looks very similar. I had a small basket that I took off the front handle bars and mounted behind the seat. I loved that bike. It was old, the seat was torn, but I love it. I would often do my best to impress the young girls on our street by standing on the long seat and cruising down the steep street. In my head I remember thinking that I was something to behold. Wish I still had my banana seat bike. Not sure what happened to it, but together we had some good times. Do you remember your first bike?