A lot has happened in the past few months. We have been working hard, and making sure there is still plenty of time to have fun as a family. The following entries are from most recent to oldest. Fall is a great time of year for our family!
This past weekend we went with the whole Weaver clan to the most magical place on earth.
(all 22 of us, we all looked great in our matching clothes!)
This is the first time our kids have been tall enough to go on every ride with the exception of Indiana Jones and Screamin' roller coaster in California Adventure. Needless to say...THEY LOVED IT!
Matterhorn was their favorite ride. One time was never enough...it was always. "again, again!"
It was quite the Disney experience. Two days of rain added to the fun!

Small World at Christmas time. A Weaver family favorite.

Waiting in line for the Run Away Train and Space Mountain

Taylor and I finally made it to our first Jazz game. We went with all the married couples in his family. It was a blast, and helped that the Jazz put Golden State away.
Thanks for being willing to pay for it all Dad! I love you!

This is Mckay's gel for his hair. It was full, then he decided to do his own hair. It took washing his hair twice before some of the stiffness went away. I love it when kids start mastering independence.
Following tradition we went to see a movie and to dinner.
The kids love to go to the bottom of the theater and dance while the credits are running. It was a good thing the theater was mostly empty when the show ended.
Cassidy's Birthday: October 12
Cassidy chose to have a large party with both sides of the family. We wish our house was bigger when all 50 of us are together. She had a great day and loved being with all her grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles.
Lisi's Birthday: October 21
During the day Taylor and Alisa took each kid on a one on one date to Thanksgiving point's garden. We met her parents for dinner at Goodwood BBQ. The highlight of the day was driving to dinner, we were almost there when Cassidy shouted, "I am wearing bare feet!" Needless to say we made a quick stop to Payless Shoes for some clearance flip flops.
Mckay's Birthday: November 9
Mckay wanted to have more presents and no party. Grandma Weaver took him shopping then we met up with Grandma Lisa and Uncle Hunter for dinner at Chick Fila before we went to play games at Chuckee Cheese.