The kids got their own room before Christmas. Since then we have been making little changes here and there. The first thing we did was make new curtains for Cassidy's room. Well, really my amazing mother-in-law made them while I watched. They match the bed spreads perfect and we just love them! We also used a gift card from Christmas to purchase a cheap carpet cleaning machine. The kid's carpets have been cleaned!!! It looks great.
My parents received their mission call. They will be serving as Mission President in the Washington, Tacoma mission. We will sure miss them, but are proud of their example and choice to serve a mission. We love you Mom and Dad!

Our kids are growing up fast. Mckay is enjoying his joy school. He especially loves spending time with his Dad, and playing the Wii. His new phase it mismatched socks. He won't wear socks if they are matching. Not sure where it came from, but if he has socks on, I don't really care what they look like.
Cassidy is loving kindergarten. She is a great reader, and a great friend to all those in her class. She recently got glasses for reading time. She loves them! She especially loves to carry the glass case around with her and clean her glasses as often as possible. Mom and Dad just hope they don't break any time soon. Cassidy also just started a gymnastics class. She is good at gymnastics and Mom and Dad just hope it helps get rid of some of that energy she has bundled up. :)