It is hard to believe that our little Kelsey is almost 5 months old. She continues to grow and is now in the 75 percentile for nearly all of her growth categories of height, weight and head size. Thankfully she also continues to be a calm and happy baby. Since our last update she has been in twice to have new ear molds made as she continues to grow out of the previous mold. We also went in to have a second Auditory
Brainstem Response (
ABR) test performed.

Love the look on her face...."
um, something cold is in my ear."

It is a little difficult to tell, but the new mold (pink) is quite a bit larger than her current mold (clear).

Primary Children's Hospital Visit for second
ABR test.

The audiologist was very thorough in her testing and ultimately maxed out the capacity of their equipment without getting a response. This didn't really come as news to us as we do not feel like even the hearing aids (turned up to 80 decibels) are registering a response from her.
Getting fitted for her third set of ear molds. She doesn't even fuss during the process.

In the coming weeks we will take her in for an MRI to take a look at the workings of her ear. It will be interesting to see if all looks normal inside, or if perhaps some things are either missing or out of place. We have also begun the process of having a specialist come to our home twice a month to teach all of us Sign Language. It will be nice for our kids to have instruction coming from someone other than Mom and Dad.
There is a Deaf Ward that meets close to our home here in Lehi. In the coming weeks we want to attend and get a feel for that as well. Mostly want to ensure that our older kids could feel comfortable. I doubt we would attend this Ward regularly until Kelsey is older, but we are interested in checking it out.
One fun development is Kelsey has begun to babble in Sign Language. We will have to post a short video soon. She will wave one hand quickly, and also make a fist and tap the side of her head. She also recognizes the sign for bottle and milk.
Thanks to all of our family and friends for their continued love and support.