Sorry the post is a little late....we still love you.

For a month before Taylor's birthday Mckay kept saying he wanted to get Dad a really, really big bouncy ball. When we went to Target they were all out. So instead Mckay chose dart guns. Taylor knew for 2 days before his birthday that he was getting "shooters" because Mckay was too excited to keep it a secert. During gift opening Mckay thought that because he was giving the gift he should open it.

Birthdays are so fun when you have kids to celebrate with. The kids were so excited to give Dad their presents.
Taylor got off work a little early and we hit the afternoon showing of "Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs." It was a great show, but it was even better because it was the first movie that both of our kids sat through. We didn't leave the theater once, and we weren't scolding the whole time. What better birthday gift could the kids give their Dad??
They will be invited to more movies again in the future.
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