
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

09 May 2010

I love being a Mom!

Growing up I always wanted to be a mom. Never in my greatest imaginations could I have dreamt how great being a mom really is. I love the daily hugs, kisses, conversations, learning moments, smiles, tears and the laughter. My kids love me unconditionally. I probably don't deserve it but they love me despite my weaknesses and faults. Today is a day to celebrate mothers, but for me it is a day to remember how great my kids are and how lucky I am to be a mom. I love you Cassidy and Mckay. You guys are my greatest treasures!
MY sensitive, cuddly, do things at my pace, accident-prone, bundle of fun
MY sweet, fun loving, energetic, smart, independent little lady bug
I am so happy we get to be together forever!

1 comment:

The Cheatham Family said...

You are so right being a Mom makes you feel joy and it's nice feeling needed and seeing your kids personalities shining through.