
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

27 March 2012

Only One Snow Man Storm

It has been a rather mild winter here in Utah, and although here in Utah County, we don't get the snow levels they do in the mountains, we can usually expect several large storms. This year however, we only got one "Medium" storm and a few smaller flurries. After our one "Medium" sized storm Mckay was determined to build a snow man.

Then like most boys, after building his creation, he was adamant about destroying it.

Finally, he decided to build a snowman family, with each snowman being a representation of a member of our family. Sad to say the Kelsey snowman looks more like a sick snow ball.

The mild Winter has not solicited many complaints from our family, other than our older kids have new sleds this year that they didn't get a chance to try out. I guess we will wait for next Winter.


Ashlee said...

That is so funny...I LOVE his little family. I couldn't stop laughing at the little Kelsey snowman. I can't believe how tall he is!

Lynette said...

McKay I love how cute you are. I love your snowmen!!!! I love you