
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

20 January 2009

Hi Ho Cherry-O

The Game: Hi Ho Cherry-O
The Competition: Cassidy
The Outcome: Not surprising

Cassidy and I have recently been playing quite a bit of Hi Ho Cherry-O. For those of you who may be unaware of this game, I will attempt to explain. There is a dial in the center of the board. On your turn, you spin the dial and depending on where it lands, you are able to remove cherries from your bucket and place them in your tree. The game is won when your tree is full of cherries. There are however, several spaces that require you to remove cherries from your tree and place them back in your bucket.

As Cassidy and I have been playing there are occasions when it can be difficult to determine where the spinning dial has ultimately come to rest and therefore we determine that if it is on the line that you can have a re-spin. Cassidy has caught on quickly.

Anytime Cassidy spins the dial and it ends up on a space that requires her to remove cherries from her tree, she quickly states, "Oh, it is on the line," and spins again. I don't think I will ever be able to defeat Cassidy and her ability to dominate at Hi Ho Cherry-O. It has however lead me to think about when we are in situations that we are not comfortable with.

I am not advocating bending the rules to win, but I do think there are times in life when we find ourselves in a situation we are not comfortable being in. It is in these times that we must recognize that we are on the line and chose to take another turn.


Angie said...

good analogy!

Sally said...

taylor you are so profound. what a good sport!