
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

09 December 2008

The Letter A says what?

Our little Mckay is what you might call a sturdy child, as he is just 3 1/2 inches shorter and a mere 5 pounds lighter than his "big" sister. Mckay is over two years younger than his sister and is already making it known which one will dominate the physical battles. However, there is one area Cassidy continues to carry the advantage... verbal communication!

Mckay speaks...and if you speak his language, then he speaks quite well. He is learning words, and sentences, colors, and the sounds that animals make. However, if you don't speak his language, then you may be surprised to learn what the letter A says. Last night at the dinner table Mckay was telling me about his day, when I asked him what he learned in pre-school earlier in the day he simply replied "A." We are teaching Cassidy to read, so out of habit Alisa asked "Mckay, what does the letter A say?" His answer was quite clever. He simply replied "Roar" and kept on eating. Frankly, his response was good enough for me.

The cat says "meow," the dog says "ruff," the horse says "neigh," and the A says "Roar!"


the mortensen's said...

love it! love the blog, love it all

Ashlee said...

that is so McKay! I love that kid! I miss you all.