
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

15 December 2008


I wouldn't go so far as to say that I am a huge fan of the ballet. O.k. I wouldn't go half as far as to say that I am a huge fan of the ballet, however I do think everyone needs to see The Nutcracker. I had seen it once or twice many years ago, so when I asked Alisa if she would like to go she was excited as she had never seen it before (although I am pretty sure as a child she tried out to be in it). Last Friday night we sat together in Capitol Theater and enjoyed the production.

I think the biggest challenge for me in viewing the ballet is the lack of noise. Other than the music from the orchestra pit, there isn't any sound. With so little ballet viewing experience it certainly was new for me to view a production and have it be so quiet. I kept waiting for someone to come out and sing while the other's danced. I also have so little knowledge of appropriate technique, so it was nice to have Alisa there to confirm to me that what I thought looked incredibly difficult, was indeed incredibly difficult. The set was nice and the costumes were impressive. Even with my little ballet knowledge, the production was well done and we both had a wonderful time.

I wasn't exactly a prime example of a husband taking his wife on a date to the ballet though. Because we were short on time I wasn't able to take her out for a nice dinner. Instead we picked up a pizza on the way home. I know...real romantic. Perhaps attending The Nutcracker each year will be a tradition....hopefully the pizza after will not be part of the tradition.....although it was stuffed crust.


allison said...

i totally understand what you mean about the quietness of ballet. i always think what if i let out xena yell?

the mortensen's said...

I'm jealous! I would love to see the Nutcracker. But Wayne would think I was a nutcracker if I thought he'd go with me. maybe you should give him some tips on romantic dates!