
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

16 March 2009

Brushing Teeth

This is what happens when you send the kids to brush their teeth all by themselves.

We need to take them to the dentist. As you can guess, we aren't very good at getting their teeth brushed properly.


Ashlee said...

Hilarious! I miss my little kid friends! Cassidy is right...singing a song is fun to do. And I love their laughs...they sound so much alike! Don't worry, if they have teeth like me, they will have to get them all pulled in middle school to let their permanent teeth come in!

Aaron and Kaime said...

So cute! Hey I want your address so i can send you a wedding announcement I am sure you might have given it to me but i might have lost it or never asked. Anyhow, my email is funblueyes@gmail.com

Taylor Ensign said...

Tooth Update:
Since this post, we have all been to the Dentist. The boys have no cavities, and the girls weren't so lucky!

Karie said...

Hey guys! Your kids are so darling. Fun to see you blog!

the mortensen's said...

aaahhhh.... your kids are nerdbombers just like mine! love it!