I would like to extend an apology to a construction worker who is performing his duties near my place of employment. Truth be told, I don't care too much for road construction and it can be quite frustrating. While at work yesterday, the street adjoining my office parking lot was torn out, and reduced to one lane serving both directions. This required the construction workers to stand and direct traffic with the familiar "SLOW" sign or the "STOP" sign. I however was trying to exit my office parking lot in the middle of all this, requiring an additional worker to facilitate my exit.
There was another construction worker holding an orange flag. Noticing my predicament, he motioned to other drivers with the orange flag, thus creating a space for me to exit. I quickly exited the parking lot and drove the direction his orange flag was pointing. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, I gave him a rather enthusiastic wave.
It was at this very moment, I realized my error.

You see this helpful construction worker only had ONE arm. He was using this one arm to hold the orange flag, and therefore could not acknowledge my enthusiastic wave, because he must continue to hold the orange flag steady, so as not to confuse other drivers.
I am sorry one-armed construction worker for reminding you that you only have one arm. Thank you for creating space for me to exit my office parking lot. I really appreciate it. When I see you again, I plan on expressing my thanks, with a simple head nod.