Mom and Dad decided that before a new little sister joins the family, we would go out for a "big kid" date. We went to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Hale Center Theater in West Valley. They had seen the show before at an outdoor venue and were excited to see it again. We didn't get tickets early enough however so we were split up sitting 2 and 2.

Perhaps a bit hard to see, but Cassidy and I are sitting behind the older gentleman in the black tie. She was excited to watch as the performers came out onto the stage.

Mckay with Mom.

At intermission Cassidy and Mckay switched places.

Still difficult to see, but now Mckay is with me. (Fourth row up behind the man in the black tie.)

After the show was over, Cassidy wanted to go shake "Joseph's" hand and tell him what a good job he had done. He said it meant the most coming from the younger kids.

We have so much fun with our "older kids." They are good kids who are kind to each other. We are excited however, as it won't be long now until a new "little one" joins our family.