We have had a bit of a busy month as we continue to learn all that we can about Kelsey's hearing loss and the options that are available to us. The next logical step in our adventure with Kelsey is to determine IF or to what extent Hearing Aids may provide sound to her. To do this we visited with a very helpful Audiologist who created an ear mold for Kelsey. This is done by attaching a small piece of foam onto the end of a string. The foam is placed into the ear canal to ensure nothing gets past, and then the ear is filled with a pink silicone like substance. 

Once the plaster like material has dried it can safely be removed.
The ear mold below was then shipped away where a company will make the actual piece that will fit inside her ear and attach to the hearing aid. Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, we needed to wait two weeks to get her molds back.
While waiting for her ear molds to be shipped back to us we visited an Opthamologist to ensure Kelsey's vision was free from any abnormalities; mainly Ushers Syndrome. We were less concerned about this appointment as she smiles whenever making eye contact with us.
Kelsey's exam room.
Mom and Dad taking turns putting her hearing aids on. After a little practice and some very patient cooperation from Kelsey we started to get the hang of it. 
Both Hearing Aids on for the first time.
We will continue to explore all avenues available to us. Kelsey is such a sweetheart of a baby. Other than choosing to have a very late bed time, she sleeps through the night and is very happy during the day. As we continue to learn more and explore other avenues we will continue to update this blog with her adventures. Thank you to all of our family and friends for their continued love and support.
Before Kelsey could be fitted with her new Hearing Aids we once again visited with the Audiologists who performed an additional hearing test. The results of this test were then used to program her new Hearing Aids to the appropriate frequencies. 

The sticker on her shirt says, "I had a hearing test."
Finally her ear molds arrived in the mail and earlier today we once again traveled to meet with the Audiologist to have her fitting for her hearing aids. Unsure the extent in which these hearing aids may assist her, we are simply borrowing these aids "on-loan" for a three month trial period.
Thanks for your examples and faith! I have been thinking about and praying for your Kelsey and family. What a cute, cute girl, seriously...that is one cute and smilely babe! Thinking of and love you guys! ~ cousin Kim
what a sweet and beautiful little daughter of God. that would be so wonderful if the hearing aids work for her! i can't believe how happy she is even with plastic flowing into her ears!!
What a sweet girl! I love the pic of her smiling with her ear molds in:). So precious. You two are amazing! We love the blog updates. Keep them comin'! We love you all!
She looks adorable in them!!
She is just so sweet...and absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see you all again! And I love McKay's food choices!
So that last comment by unknown was me...guess I wasn't signed in!
I LOVE her smiles! Lisi, I totally think she looks like you...and Cassidy, Mckay, and Taylor. :) Love you guys.
Enjoyed the update very much. I can't believe how happy and smiliey she was during all of it. Still sending prayers and hugs.
She is SO DANG CUTE! I love her smiling face.
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