29 December 2008
Me Too, Me Four, Me Twenty-Seven
15 December 2008

I think the biggest challenge for me in viewing the ballet is the lack of noise. Other than the music from the orchestra pit, there isn't any sound. With so little ballet viewing experience it certainly was new for me to view a production and have it be so quiet. I kept waiting for someone to come out and sing while the other's danced. I also have so little knowledge of appropriate technique, so it was nice to have Alisa there to confirm to me that what I thought looked incredibly difficult, was indeed incredibly difficult. The set was nice and the costumes were impressive. Even with my little ballet knowledge, the production was well done and we both had a wonderful time.
I wasn't exactly a prime example of a husband taking his wife on a date to the ballet though. Because we were short on time I wasn't able to take her out for a nice dinner. Instead we picked up a pizza on the way home. I know...real romantic. Perhaps attending The Nutcracker each year will be a tradition....hopefully the pizza after will not be part of the tradition.....although it was stuffed crust.
09 December 2008
The Letter A says what?
Mckay speaks...and if you speak his language, then he speaks quite well. He is learning words, and sentences, colors, and the sounds that animals make. However, if you don't speak his language, then you may be surprised to learn what the letter A says. Last night at the dinner table Mckay was telling me about his day, when I asked him what he learned in pre-school earlier in the day he simply replied "A." We are teaching Cassidy to read, so out of habit Alisa asked "Mckay, what does the letter A say?" His answer was quite clever. He simply replied "Roar" and kept on eating. Frankly, his response was good enough for me.
The cat says "meow," the dog says "ruff," the horse says "neigh," and the A says "Roar!"
04 December 2008
A clean bedroom

03 December 2008
Time Flies
I was born 9,927 days ago.
My wonderful wife was born 9,905 days ago.
We have been married for 2037 days.
We had our first child, Cassidy, 1,513 days ago in a Payson Hospital.
Our son Mckay was born 755 days ago (it seems like more).
I received my drivers license 4082 days ago.
The big gulp was introduced by 7-11 10,596 days ago.
The first James Bond film, Dr. No, was released 16,646 days ago.
Days since Dr. Emmett L. Brown Jr. first invented time travel: 19,387.
Days since John Stockton hit the infamous last second 3-pointer to send the Utah Jazz to the NBA finals: 4,206
William Shakespeare died 143,402 days ago.
Henry Ford invented the first MODEL T 36,592 days ago.
Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Empire of Japan 24,468 days ago.
The Wright brothers completed their first flight 38,338 days ago.
Days since Joseph Smith Jr. organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 65,256.
The Declaration of Independence was signed 84,890 days ago.
What does all this have to do with anything? Not much really, but I did find it quite interesting to learn the date I turn 10,000 days old will be Valentines Day 2009! So live each day to the fullest, because 10,000 days goes by in a hurry.
13 November 2008
Disney On Ice
Cassidy seemed to know every character and every song. Cassidy and I have an agreement that if we are in a loud place and she wants to talk to me, she has to 'talk to my ear.' Last night my ear was flooded with comments like "They are all wearing green." "Minnie has a yellow dress." "When are we going to see Daisy?" "I need a drink."
Mckay on the other hand was memorized from the get-go. For nearly the first half-hour he sat expressionless and still, gazing at the performers as they danced/skated to the music. After awhile he too was ready for a drink.
Overall it was a really fun experience to see the happiness on their faces as they laughed and cheered at the characters they love, and sang along to the songs they know so well.
11 November 2008
Happy Birthday Mckay!
10 November 2008
The Annual Deaf Education Summit

03 November 2008
Catching Trout at Tibble Fork

29 October 2008
23 October 2008
Brain Freeze

We dropped the kids off with the sitter and wanted to quickly purchase our freezer before moving on to enjoy a relaxing dinner together. We soon learned however there would be nothing quick or relaxing about our evening.
We arrived at Lowes and found the freezer we wanted. An employee was quick to arrive and answer some of our questions. It was immediately evident that this new freezer would not fit into either of our compact cars, so one of our more urgent questions to the employee was cost of delivery options. We were given three choices:
- Figure out a way to get it home yourself
- Rent a Lowes truck for $20 + gas
- Pay the $79.00 delivery fee
Wanting to be as frugal as possible, we decided to call in a favor from a friend and borrow his family's Chevy Suburban. I made the phone call, and soon we were on our way. We stopped at a gas station along the way to pick him up some "thank-you treats." He was gracious and we quickly left in his suburban...with one catch. His wife was participating with an Enrichment activity at a nearby meeting house and his newborn daughter was hungry. So after dropping off his newborn child we were now on our way back to Lowes.
However, we traveled about 1 mile before the "low fuel" light switched on in the car. Realizing that there was plenty of gas in the car, but not wanting to return the car with the light on, we stopped at the same gas station to put $5 bucks into the beast. Now we headed to Lowes to pick up our freezer.
We made our way back to the appliance section and found a new worker to assist us. We pointed out the one we were ready to purchase, and then he said, "I will go make sure we have one in stock." It was then that it dawned on us, we didn't know if they even had one in stock. We waited around for about 10 minutes before he returned and said that he had one, and was ready to help us with our purchase. We made our purchase and he rolled the new freezer out into the parking lot where our borrowed Chevy was waiting.
It was at this moment I realized there was a good chance this new freezer would not fit into the back of this Suburban. Sure enough we lifted the freezer into the back only to find that the rear doors would not completely close. He suggested removing the car seats and the bench so we could slide it all the way in. Being an Eagle Scout I determined the better idea was to get some twine and just tie the rear doors closed. We did this and then drove slowly home with all of the dome lights in the car shining down on us.
The freezer made it safely home. We unloaded the freezer into the garage, and as we began to pull away to go retrieve our car, Alisa pointed out that we had forgotten to close our garage. We stopped again, closed the garage, and as we pulled out of our driveway a second time, the "low gas" light turned on again. We ignored the light and finally traded out the large Suburban for our nice little Civic.
At this point our night had already lasted longer than anticipated. Not wanting our sitter to be stuck with tired/grouchy kids who would need to go to bed soon, we opted for a local restaurant. We had a nice evening at Porter's Restaurant on main street in Lehi and had some good laughs about the adventure we had gone through to get a new freezer for some future "on-sale" ice-cream purchase!
21 October 2008
Happy Birthday Lisi
It is birthday time once again in the Ensign household and we were excited to party with our little family last night. The kids helped me wrap the presents, and then helped Lisi unwrap the presents. They were great helpers. Lisi took it upon herself (I protested) to make her own chocolate layer birthday cake. It was delicious. Happy Birthday to our wonderful wife and mother.
14 October 2008
Cassidy's Birthday!
09 October 2008
Rio Tinto Stadium
We had a sold-out crowd of 20,008.