Christmas afternoon we spent at the Weaver's. Everyone was there except for Ashlee and Rick who did not fly in for a couple of days. The agenda went something like this: presents from Grandma and Grandpa, dinner, playing time, cousin gift exchange, playing, nativity and grandchild talent program, lastly treats and watch the family video for 2009. The day was packed with lots of fun, needless to say, the kids were tired when it was time to go.

This year grandma and grandpa gave every family one really big gift.
All the grandkids got their picture taken before the could open it.

Power Wheels

One day my children will have table manners, for now it is a work in progress.

Ham, scalloped potatoes, layered jello, sweet potatoes, creamed corn, salad and warm rolls. I was stuffed, yet I still managed to eat dessert.

"Daddy get me!"

Mckay loves to take pictures of us.

Cassidy and my Grandma Holladay. One of her four Great-Grandmas. She is a lucky kid!

My dad opening his white elephant gift from us. Kool-aid. Ami is out of the house so red Kool-Aid is allowed back in. Thanks Ami!

Cassidy and Grandma and Grandpa after she performed in the program.
Every year my dad will read from Luke while the grandchildren (and their parents that want to be involved) act out the nativity story. My parents take down their boxes of dress up clothes and the kids dress in what they would like. Every year it is a blast, you never know what will happen. It was nice having another baby in the family so a doll didn't have to play the character of baby Jesus this year.

Ashlee was still in Wisconsin, so Cassidy got to play the role of Mary. She even found a my little pony, no a donkey to ride.

Mckay was a Darth Vader/Witch. Not sure where that role comes in the Bible, but he did sit very quietly around baby Jesus when it was time.
(Take Special Note of The Shepards in the Fields, and the Vikings in the Fields, and the Darth Vaders in the Fields, tending their flocks by night.)
1 comment:
wait, did I miss something? what was in the really big box?
It's true, we were in Utah for less than 24 hours:(
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