Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Carols in Energy Solutions Arena
and a free ride on trax
We finally made it downtown, with the thousands of other people that showed up for this free event. By the time that we finally got in, the lower bowl was full, the free hot dogs and popcorn were gone, as well as the free Jazz and Bees tickets. We were determined to stick it out, at least for a few songs. We took the kids upstairs and found some seats. As soon as we sat down Mckay needed to use the restroom, of coarse. After a couple of songs we decided that we had better head out so we didn't catch the rush for trax.
The ride home was much more cozy. We had a whole little bench for our family. Mckay and Cassidy enjoyed looking out the window and reading a map of all the stops.
When we got back to our cars we were all starving, due to the shortage of free hot dogs and popcorn. We made a quick stop at Chickfila for dinner. The kids ate great, like they always do if you starve them, and got to play for a few minutes. Taylor and I enjoyed a few minutes to ourselves just to talk. We decided that this night was quite an adventure. Nothing really went how we planned. We won't ever ride trax again when it is free for all riders, but we would go downtown again to sing carols. We just would make sure we ate dinner first, and we would drive our own car! So in short, life is an adventure. You never really know what is coming your way. I am just glad that I have an awesome husband and adventurous kids to share it with. No matter what goes wrong, it is fun just to be together.
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