
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

04 January 2010

The Stitches are out

Tuesday, December 8th Mckay and I ventured back to American Fork Hospital ER to remove his stitches. As soon as we got in the car he started sobbing. "I don't want to go to the hospital, I don't want to go to the hospital...." I chuckled to myself because he was so sincere and scared and I knew it wouldn't be that bad.

When we got into the ER we spent a few moments looking at the fish before they called us back. As soon as we stepped into the back rooms of the ER he started screaming. The technician quickly called for two more nurses to come and help. It took 4 of us and all of five minutes for the stitches to get removed. When we were about half way done I told Mckay, "You are almost done." His body didn't fight us any more but he kept screaming. Now he will talk about how silly it was that the doctor used tweezers to remove his stitches. He is proud that they are out. I just look forward to the hair on his eyebrow growing back to cover up the second scar on that eyebrow.

One of the nurses that helped hold Mckay down let him choose a candy cane from their treat bucket. He loved it! It had pipe cleaner antlers and googly eyes. He saved it for 5 hours before he ate it. He had to make sure that Dad saw it when he got home from work.

I am grateful for modern day medicine that helps our family be healthy, and I really hope we don't have any more trips to the ER any time soon.

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