
An ensignism is a story about Taylor, Alisa, Cassidy, Mckay, and Kelsey Ensign. These stories may be elaborate or mundane, but with the combined personalities of our little family, they are sure to be entertaining.

26 January 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas break is always filled with fun, fun, fun. This year was no exception. Taylor only worked half a day on Christmas Eve. We spent the evening with his family. I realize that I have posted more pictures than the average person will care about, but this blog is for my family, a way to keep a journal and a place for us to share our life. So scroll fast or skip the post if it is too much for you!
I was the rude mom that made the kids stop having fun with their aunts and uncles for a family photo. I am glad I was rude, I think it is a great photo of us.
Driving to Grandma Lisa's house the kids both fell asleep. It is just what mom and dad ordered to make it through a long night.
My mother-in-law always has her house decorated so pretty and the table set fancy. It really feels like a special occasion when we sit at their table.
Papa Eric cutting the meat. Scruffy dog waiting for some to fall off.
Hunter, Grant, Jill, Tanner, Michelle and Camille
Camille sneaking appetizers before dinner starts
Camille made ice cream pies for dessert. I made the Oreo cookies. Yum.
Mckay really believes that Taylor put his finger through his ears
Every year we play the dice game. If you get doubles, or the sum of the two dice adds up to 7 you get to take a prize from the pile, or a neighbor. This year my little Mckay hit the jackpot. Ten times in a row he had doubles or his sum was 7. He thought it was the greatest game ever. He even started choosing prizes for his sister. Uncle Hunter really wanted the blue ball. When Mckay picked it, he wanted to steal it, but he chose to let Mckay keep it. I can't believe how grown up Camille and Hunter are considering I met them when they were 1 year old and 3 years old.
Mckay filtering through his options of prizes
Game On
Cassidy finally got doubles!!!!
Mckay and Uncle Hunter
Baby Owen wishing he could have stolen Grant and Jill's twix bar
Opening some gifts. We gave Hunter an orange hunting jacket. The color was strategically chosen!!!
Cassidy and Mckay giving Grandma and Grandpa their gift. A calendar with pictures of them. Mckay is really only interested in the ball he won in the dice game. You throw it and it comes back, just like a yo-yo.
Grandma Pat and Grandpa Sid stopped by. Cassidy performed her speaking part from her pre-school program.
Hunter performed some Taekwondo
Camille did some Irish Dancing
Pat and Sid
When we got home from our party the kids left milk and cookies for Santa and lettuce and carrots for the reindeer.

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